Task Force & Partnerships

The purpose of the Task Force is to strengthen Danish performing and visual-arts institutions and to create the foundation for their artistic development, long-term strategy, financial sustainability and international exposure.
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Each year, the Bikuben Foundation and the Nordic Culture Fund invite three performing or visual-arts institutions that have been identified as having extraordinary potential for innovation to take part in the one-year Task Force programme. In addition to providing funding to participants, the Bikuben Foundation and the Nordic Culture Fund are active participants in the programme and offer the invited institutions our experience and access to our networks.

During a series of introductory workshops, each participating institution identifies its strengths and weaknesses. Then, the institutions work with us and external advisors to draw up a plan that includes specific initiatives that will allow it to achieve its goals. Listed below are the institutions that have taken part in Task Force and their focus areas.

The following institutions have taken part in Task Force:

Nuuk Art Museum

In 2022, the Nuuk Art Museum began the Task Force programme with a focus on organizational and business development.

The Bora Bora Theater

In 2022, the Bora Bora Theater began the Task Force programme with a focus on organizational and business development.

Performance group Sisters Hope

Sisters Hope began task force in 2022.

SMK Fridays project organisation, SMK

SMK Fridays began the Task Force programme in the spring of 2021. It has identified the following focus areas:

  • Experimental art outreach with a focus on diversity
  • Greater focus on institutional learning
  • Strategic partnerships with culture institutions and professionals, as well as the private sector

Performing-arts organisation HAUT

Haut completed its participation in Task Force in 2021. During the programme, it identified the following focus areas:

  • Establishment of professional board (with the assistance of a consultant)
  • Re-organisation and review of management procedures in the hopes of establishing a clearer division of roles and responsibilities (with the assistance of an occupational psychologist)
  • Clarification of the institution’s brand (with the help of a communications agency)

Haut’s participation in Task Force led to a multi-year partnership with the Bikuben Foundation to establish a residency centre.

The Fix&Foxy theatre company

Fix&Foxy completed its participation in Task Force in 2020. During the programme, it identified the following focus areas:

  • Re-organisation focusing in particular on management (with the assistance of an occupational psychologist)
  • Graphic identity and website (with the assistance of a design and communications agency)

Fix&Foxy’s participation in Task Force led to a multi-year, internationally focused partnership with the Bikuben Foundation.

Festival Secretariat CPH Stage

CPH Stage completed its participation in Task Force in 2020. Its participation led to a “purpose workshop”. During its participation it also took part in a review as a part of a process that will lead to the establishment of a professional board of trustees.

Exhibition platform ARIEL – Feminism in the Aesthetic

Ariel began participation in Task Force in 2021 seeking to learn how to become a better platform for exhibitions and conversations about “feminisms in the aesthetic”. Specific focus areas will be identified in the autumn of 2022.

Bikuben Foundation partnerships
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A multi-year partnership between the Bikuben Foundation and an art institution can be established on the basis of participation in Task Force, if the foundation and the institution believe that collaborating presents an opportunity to fulfil broader strategic ambitions. As a partner, the Bikuben Foundation can contribute a range of competencies and resources that our partners can use to fulfil their ambitions. In addition to being able to provide funding, we can help create an outreach strategy; help with financial management; provide space for activities; or facilitate contact with foundations, institutions or individuals abroad. As a development partner, the Bikuben Foundation is fully committed to the partnership and considers itself a full member of the team working to meet the goals.

The Bikuben Foundation’s strategic partnership with the Fix&Foxy theatre company was established in April with the aim helping it become an international performance company: an innovative, internationally collaborative, performing-arts company based in Copenhagen. The partnership is expected to last 10 years. Funding for the first three and a half years has been secured in the form of a grant in the amount DKK 10,356,000. The strategic partnership will allow Fix&Foxy to expand and grow stronger as an organisation, which will allow it to focus on its long-term goals, develop international performances and experiment with new performance formats.

The Bikuben Foundation’s two-year strategic partnership with the HAUT performing-arts organisation was established in January with the aim of creating and testing residency formats. The Bikuben Foundation and HAUT have tentatively agreed to enter into a long-term partnership to establish an international performing-arts residency centre in Copenhagen. As part of its partnership with the Bikuben Foundation, HAUT will administer some of the activities related to the development of art and artistic practice, including performances. The partnership has received a two-year grant in the amount of DKK 5,168,600. During this period, HAUT will receive upskilling focusing, in part, on its organisational structure.

Frequently asked questions

Who can take part in Task Force?

Task Force is intended primarily for promising institutions, organisations and platforms that work professionally with performing or visual arts. These are generally art institutions whose potential remains untapped due to an inability to devote time and resources to their professional development. Task Force programmes are suited to the needs of the participating organisation, just as there is no set definition of which type of organisation can take part: participation is open to organisations ranging from the privately owned and independent to publicly run.

What activities does a Task Force programme consist of?

The content of a Task Force programme is highly dependent on the needs and potential of the participating organisation. A programme starts with a series of workshops to map out the participating organisation’s potential. From there, the foundation and the participating organisation define the programme’s content. Activities can relate to strengthening the participating organisation’s financial footing or organisational structure, improving its outreach strategy or expanding its international activities.

How can my organisation take part in Task Force?

Participation in Task Force is by invitation only. Potential participants are identified by the Bikuben Foundation secretariat in collaboration with the Nordic Culture Fund. Currently, the secretariat uses its involvement in its other activities to identify potential participants. 

Are you or your organisation interested in working with the Bikuben Foundation to develop your idea? Are you a performing or visual-arts professional? Art institutions, theatres, stage companies and other organisations involved with the performing or visual arts, as well as individual curators, are welcome to contact us to learn more about our DIALOGUE:CONCEPT:DEVELOPMENT programme.  

How often are Task Force programmes held?

Task Force programmes are held three times a year.

Who can enter into long-term partnerships?

Only Task Force participants can be considered for long-term partnerships.

Klaus Ib Jørgensen
+45 31 47 64 95
Klaus Ib Jørgensen
Klaus is involved with “Dialogue:Concept:Development”, the Task Force development track and arts partnerships. He is also responsible for the Vision Exhibition Award.
Sanna Albjørk
+45 26 56 63 76
Sanna Albjørk
Sanne is involved with “Dialogue:Concept:Development”, the Task Force development track and arts partnerships. She is the Bikuben Foundation’s occupational health representative.
Dina 1
+45 26 84 93 48
Dina 1
Dina has the overall responsibility for the Bikuben Foundation's work in arts initiatives.

Foreningen Thoravej 29 (member of the board)
Art Music Denmark (member of the board)
Fonden af 28. februar 1970 (member of the board)
Holbæk Kunsthøjskole (member of the school council)
Philea (member of the steering committee)
Art Hub Copenhagen (member of the board)