Current performing and visual arts
Our work is rooted in our strong belief in the importance of art. Art does not necessarily have to be 'useful' or serve any particular purpose. Rather, we believe that art can prompt each of us to reflect on our own lives and world, encouraging new insights. Art offers sensory experiences, it can tell stories or initiate debates. Art does not serve just one purpose, but many.
We want to support the wealth of ideas and high-quality creativity found on the art scene, nurture experimentation and innovation and pave the way for artistic development within the performing and visual arts. We do this in many ways, for instance by supporting innovative performances, exhibitions and special presentations, and through dissemination, communication and development efforts within these two fields.
Focus on collaboration and dialogue
The Bikuben Foundation is more than a source of grants. When we enter into a partnership, we seek to contribute actively to the development of our partner. This means that we are fully committed to short-term programmes as well as longer-term partnerships, and we can offer outreach or financial consulting, provide space for events and activities or establish contact with Danish or foreign foundations, institutions or individuals.
In addition, we work to produce new knowledge and promote knowledge-sharing and dialogue among artists and art institutions by planning outreach activities. We also hold debate events that seek to generate awareness and stimulate conversation about the significance of art among lawmakers and other decision-makers.
Are you interested in working with the Bikuben Foundation to advance the performing and visual arts? Read more.
We are not directly involved with the development of individual performing or visual artists. We are involved indirectly by working and partnering with Art Hub Copenhagen, Udviklingsplatformen for Scenekunst (The Development Platform for the Performing Arts), Skitse (Sketch), HAUT and other art institutions.
If you have knowledge and ideas that relate to the strategic focus areas, we work with in the art field, or if you can offer to be a collaborative partner, we would love to hear from you.
Do you or your organization want to collaborate with us on a specific development initiative? Are you part of the professional performing and visual arts field? Art institutions, theatres, organizations, curators and companies within the performing and/or visual arts field can contact us through DIALOG:KONCEPT:UDVIKLING. Read more.
Does the Bikuben Foundation offer funding to individuals?
We normally do not provide grants or other forms of funding to individuals, but anyone who has a good, innovative idea is welcome to contact us.
Do you fund cultural-history initiatives?
No. The Bikuben Foundation no longer funds cultural-history initiatives.
Do you fund production of individual works of art?
No, our efforts focus on strategic, organisational, management and artistic development. We do not fund production of individual works of art.
What is the Bikuben Foundation’s evaluation procedure?
Our main principle when carrying out evaluations is that we don’t necessarily need to evaluate everything. We continuously assess which programmes need to be evaluated. Any evaluation we carry out must contribute to knowledge and learning to the Bikuben Foundation, to the organisation whose programme is being evaluated and to the field that the programme relates to. This means that all of our evaluations are publicly available. Read more.
What do you mean by “current art”?
Current performing and visual arts include all art that is presented and placed in a context of contemporary relevance. This definition includes historical works of visual art and classical works of performing art if the presentation or performance of the work is to make a contemporary statement.