Board of trustees
Board of trustees

Sex: male
Joined the board on 19 September 2013
Re-elected in 2023 and can't be re-elected
Re-signs in 2025
Do the member own shares, options, warrants and similar in the foundation’s subsidiaries and/or associated companies? No.
Has the member been appointed by authorities/providers of grants etc.? No.
Is the member considered to be independent? Yes.
Areas of expertise:
International operational and strategic leadership, strategy development, financial management and planning, acquisitions and integration of companies, change management. Board experience from Danish and international corporations and industrial associations.
Other board memberships and positions of trust:
• Nordic Ferry Infrastructure (chair)
• ISS (chair)
• Falck (chair)
• Frederiksberg Fonden
• TT Club
• Nikolai og Felix Fonden
• Bestyrelsesforeningen

Director-General, DR

Sex: female
Joined the board on 18 April 2023
Elected in 2023 and can subsequently be re-elected five times
Up for election in 2025
Do the member own shares, options, warrants and similar in the foundation’s subsidiaries and/or associated companies? No.
Has the member been appointed by authorities/providers of grants etc.? No.
Is the member considered to be independent? Yes.
Areas of expertise:
Tactical and strategic leadership at the intersection of public/market/private, strategy development, leading digital and cultural transformation, community insight, media and culture, financial management, strong personal relationships and networks, and communication.
Other board memberships and positions of trust:
• Praksis Arkitekter (board member)
• Ritzaus Bureau (vice chair of the board)

Executive Vice President, People, Culture & Sustainability, Salling Group

Sex: female
Joined the board in September 2014
Re-elected in 2022 and can subsequently be re-elected one time
Up for election in 2024
Do the member own shares, options, warrants and similar in the foundation’s subsidiaries and/or associated companies? No.
Has the member been appointed by authorities/providers of grants etc.? No.
Is the member considered to be independent? Yes.
Areas of expertise:
Strategy, leadership, politics, communication, municipal affairs, social issues.
Other board memberships and positions of trust:
• Promilleafgiftsfonden (chair)
• Tænketanken One/Third (chair)
• Call Committee under Novo Nordisk Fonden (chair)
• Nordea Fonden (vice chair)
• Tietgen Fonden (vice chair)
• Ole Kirk’s Fond (member)

Sex: female
Joined the board on 1 May 2019
Re-elected in 2023 and can subsequently be re-elected one more time
Up for election in 2025
Do the member own shares, options, warrants and similar in the foundation’s subsidiaries and/or associated companies? No.
Has the member been appointed by authorities/providers of grants etc.? No.
Is the member considered to be independent? Yes.
Areas of expertise:
Management, strategy, capital and risk management, corporate and foundation governance. Has served on the boards of listed, unlisted, owner-operated, foundation-owned and publicly owned firms.
Other board memberships and positions of trust:
• Hedeselskabet (vice chair and chair of Risiko- og Revisionsudvalget)
• Danmarks Eksport- og Investeringsfond - EIFO (vice chair and member of Kreditudvalg)

Director, ARKEN Museum of Contemporary Art

Joined the board on 5 April 2018
Re-elected in 2022 and can subsequently be re-elected three times
Up for election in 2024
Do the member own shares, options, warrants and similar in the foundation’s subsidiaries and/or associated companies? No.
Has the member been appointed by authorities/providers of grants etc.? No.
Is the member considered to be independent? Yes.
Special competences:
Management of cultural institutions, national and international cultural networking, contemporary art and innovation in the field of art, strategic development.
Other board memberships and positions of trust:
• Tivoli A/S
• Wonderful Copenhagen
• Museum Kistefos

CEO, Landsforeningen for sociale tilbud

Joined the board on 5 April 2018
Re-elected in 2022 and can subsequently be re-elected three times
Up for election in 2024
Do the member own shares, options, warrants and similar in the foundation’s subsidiaries and/or associated companies? No.
Has the member been appointed by authorities/providers of grants etc.? No.
Is the member considered to be independent? Yes.
Special competences:
Strategic development and change management, knowledge about social investment, insight into the voluntary social sector, international networks on social financing and impact.
Other board memberships and positions of trust:
• Member of the Advisory Committee, the Social Investment Fund

CEO and Partner, Bjarke Ingels Group

Sex: female
Joined the board on 18 April 2023
Elected in 2023 and can subsequently be re-elected five times
Up for election in 2025
Do the member own shares, options, warrants and similar in the foundation’s subsidiaries and/or associated companies? No.
Has the member been appointed by authorities/providers of grants etc.? No.
Is the member considered to be independent? Yes.
Areas of expertise:
International business operations and management, strategy development, financial control, international perspective, specialized insight into art and culture. Board experience from Danish companies and cultural institutions.
Other board memberships and positions of trust:
• Dinesen Floors (chair of the board)
• Area9 Lyceum (board member)
The board has six members, elected by the board for two-year periods by simple majority. The chairman will be elected by the members of the board who can also elect a vice chairman. Each member of the board can be re-elected five times. The board is entitled to decide whether the number of board members shall be extended by one or two additional members. Such additional members will likewise be elected by the board in office, by simple majority and for two-year periods.
Age limit
Members of the board can be elected up to and including the year in which they reach the age of 69; and they must retire no later than on 1 May of the year in which they reach the age of 70.
Selection of members for the board
New board members are selected by way of an exhaustive recruitment process, often with impartial external assistance. The board shall be committed to select such competences within management, investment, business operations, culture and social conditions as are required.
Legal capacity
No board member shall be entitled to participate in considerations relative to agreements between the foundation and this member or to lawsuits brought against the member. Likewise, no board member shall be entitled to participate in considerations relative to agreements between the foundation and a third party, or lawsuits brought against a third party, if the board member has a significant interest that may be inconsistent with the foundation's interests. The same shall apply to the CEO of the Bikuben Foundation.
Assessment of the board's work
The board will subject its work to annual exhaustive assessment. Here, they will uncover the members' attitudes to e.g. the competence combination and the board's cooperation, the chairing of meeting, material, preparation and participation, or whether focus is on the right subjects. This assessment will be carried out on the basis of either members' completion of questionnaires or interviews with the individual members, whereupon the results will be discussed in plenum for the purposes of improving the quality and efficiency of the collaborative work and the deliberations within the framework of the board.
The board members of the Bikuben Foundation each receives a permanent basic fee in the amount of DKK 200,000 in remuneration of their board duties. The chairman will receive three times the basic fee and the vice chairman two times the basic fee. No board member shall be entitled to any additional fees.
The CEO of the Bikuben Foundation Søren Kaare-Andersen, receives an annual salary, with pension, of DKK 2,392,504.32. Director Mette Marcus and director Sine Egede Eskesen each receives an annual salary, with pension, of DKK 1.250.000,04

grant database here