Charlottenborgs Kaffeklub
Since 2020, we have partnered with Kunsthal Charlottenborg to hold salons that bring artists, art institutions and politicians together for an open and constructive conversation about the future of arts policy and the public’s access to art.
Charlottenborg Kaffeklub aims to strengthen the spread of art in Denmark and create an understanding of the significance of art for people and society.
The salons take place at Kunsthal Charlottenborg and are moderated by journalist Lene Johansen.
Charlottenborgs Kaffeklub #1 – How do we make sure the arts are accessible to everyone in Denmark?
How do we ensure that future generations are exposed to art? How do we get hold of the large group of children and young people who do not visit cultural institutions? And how do we ensure that the best art is accessible to everyone in Denmark?
These were some of the issues that were discussed the during the first Charlottenborg Kaffeklub salon. The participants included:
Panel 1:
- Gitte Ørskou: director of the Kunsten Museum of Modern Art in Aalborg
- Knud Romer: author
- Nikolaj Bøgh: alderman, Frederiksberg City Council; candidate for MP (Conservative People’s Party)
- Kasper Holten: director, Det Kgl. Teater
- Kaare Dybvad Bek: MP (Soc Dem)
Panel 2:
- Michael Thouber: director, Kunsthal Charlottenborg
- Morten Messerschmidt: MEP; candidate for MP (Danish People’s Party)
- Pernille Rosendahl: musician
- Fenar Ahmad: film director
- Franciska Rosenkilde: culture alderman, Copenhagen City Council (The Alternative)
Charlottenborgs Kaffeklub #2 – How do we make sure young people get exposed to art?
Who is responsible for exposing young people to art? What opportunities do young people have to speak out and have an influence on their future? And what impact does being exposed to art have on young people?
These were some of the issues that were discussed during the second Charlottenborg Kaffeklub salon. The participants included:
Panel 1:
- Benedikte Kiær: mayor of Helsingør (Conservative People’s Party)
- Trine Wisbech: head of Det Lille Teater and Marionet Teatret in Kongens Have
- Thomas Blachman: musician, author, The X Factor judge, host of DR — the Danish Broadcasting Corporation production Blachman på Skemaet (Blachman at School)
- Hans Kristian Kristensen: head of secretariat, public schools, A.P. Moller Foundation
- Maria Frej, head of programming, Klassisk Musik Tivoli; member of the Culture and Leisure Committee, Copenhagen City Council (Socialist People’s Party)
Panel 2:
- Mai Mercado: group chair and MP; former minister for children and social issues (Conservative People’s Party)
- Katrine K Pedersen: head of education and communication, Arken; manager, Arken Art & Tech Lab
- Tue Biering: artistic manager, Fix&Foxy
- Hamayun Butt: founder, X-Skolen
- Kirstine Vinderskov: head of development, Nordisk Film; host of Forældreintra (ParentIntra), Radio24syv
Charlottenborgs Kaffeklub #3 – Does art create value, and what contribution do artists make?
What it is like to try to make a living as an artist in Denmark and is there money in art? What does art contribute to society? Who earns money on art? How does an artist earn money?
These were some of the issues that were discussed during our kaffeklub salon about the value of art. The participants included:
Panel 1:
- Kasper Sand Kjær: MP; arts policy spokesperson (Soc Dem)
- Tine Fischer: director, Copenhagen DOX
- Hannah Toticki Anbert: artist
- Sune Jensen: Confederation of Danish Industry
- Lasse Andersson: director, Kunsten Aalborg
Panel 2:
- Trine Bille: professor and cultural economist
- Søren Kaare Andersen: director, Bikuben Foundation
- Zenia Stampe Lyngbo: MP (Soc Lib)
- Malene Landgreen: artist
- Brian Mikkelsen: director, Danish Chamber of Commerce; former MP (Conservative People’s Party)
Charlottenborgs Kaffeklub #4 – Art in the media and artists’ voices
How does the media in Denmark cover the arts? What role do leading artists play in discussions about current issues? Why do scandals receive most coverage? These were some of the issues that were discussed during this kaffeklub salon. The participants included:
Panel 1:
- Kasper Sand Kjær: MP; arts policy spokesperson (Soc Dem)
- Maja Malou Lyse: artist
- Katrine Hornstrup Yde: culture editor, Information
- Nathalie Ostrynski: culture editor, Berlingske Tidende
- Jane Sandberg, director, Enigma
Panel 2:
- Birgitte Bergman: MP; arts policy spokesperson (Conservative People’s Party)
- Henrik Bo Nielsen: head of culture, DR — the Danish Broadcasting Corporation
- Mette Davidsen-Nielsen: culture editor, Politiken
Charlottenborgs Kaffeklub #5 – Art and local politics
What’s happening in the arts locally? How big an issue are the arts in council elections? Do the arts have a political vision that can make a difference in people’s lives? During the council elections, Charlottenborg Kaffeklub invited a handful of artists and local lawmakers to present their visions for the arts. The participants included:
Panel 1:
- René Schmidt: artist and co-founder of Deep Forest Art Land, a culture institution founded in 2010 that today is located in a forest in Herning
- Kenneth Balfelt: artist and founder of art projects in several councils, including Roskilde, Odense and Copenhagen
- Kirstine Roepstorff: artist, known for decorating a multistorey in Fredericia
- Eliyah Mesayer: artist and founder of Mesayer Foundation, an organisation that helps stateless youth like herself to obtain documentation of legal residency. Member of a public art project in Svendborg
Panel 2:
- Karina Vestergård Madsen (Red-Green Alliance)
- Helle Bonnesen (Conservative People’s Party)
- Franciska Rosenkilde (The Alternative)
- Jonas Bjørn (Soc Dem)
- Christoffer Røhl Andersen (Soc Lib)
Charlottenborgs Kaffeklub #6 – Art and Climate
How can artists and art institutions contribute to efforts to address climate change – both individually and as a source of collective inspiration? How do we ensure effective transformation and more knowledge-sharing across the art industry that lawmakers can support? The participants in this kaffeklub salon included:
Panel 1:
- Phie Ambo: film director; head of Kunstfondens legatudvalg for film; former chair of the Danish Arts Foundation
- Luise Faurschou: director and founder, ART2030
- Lise Pennington: chief inspector, AROS
- Signe Munk: MP; climate and energy spokesperson (Socialist People’s Party)
Panel 2:
- Ida Auken: MP; member of the Climate, Energy and Supply Committee; former climate minister (Soc Dem)
- Sanne Stephansen: head of programme for sustainability, Roskilde Festival
- Jakob Fenger: member, artist group SUPERFLEX; chair, Danish Arts Foundation committee for funding for visual-arts projects
- Anna Esbjørn: head of the Cities of the Future programme, CONCITO
- Marie Bjerre: MP; climate spokesperson (Liberal)
Charlottenborgs Kaffeklub #7 – General Election 2022
How should our world and lives look? What role will art, artists, and art institutions play in this transformation? And how can politicians use the creativity of art to address important issues or challenges?
These questions were discussed in this kaffeklub, where the following participants took part:
Panel 1:
- Jeannette Ehlers, visual artist
- Susanne Bier, film director
- Poul Erik Tøjner, director at Louisiana Museum of Modern Art
- Gitta Malling, chairman of the Danish Arts Foundation and theater director at Limfjordsteatret
- Jan E. Jørgensen (Liberal Party)
- Jon Stephensen (Moderates)
Panel 2:
- Benjamin Koppel, musician and author
- Elisa Kragerup, theater director and artistic director at Betty Nansen Theatre
- Signe Brink Wehl, head of Music, Art, and Activism at Roskilde Festival
- Morten Kirkskov, artistic director of The Royal Danish Theatre
- Ida Auken (Social Democrats)
- Franciska Rosenkilde (The Alternative)
Charlottenborgs Kaffeklub #8 – Who Pays for the Art?
Is art truly free when money sets the boundaries? Do truly clean funds even exist when financing our collective artistic education? What can a company gain from collaborating with artists? And does art also need companies?
These were some of the focal points of Charlottenborg Kaffeklub #8, delving into where the money comes from in the world of art and the roles that businesses, the state, and foundations play in that context. Who can collaborate with each other? And when can we talk about fruitful, mutually developing partnerships?
Panel 1:
- Mads Nørgaard – director and owner of the fashion house Mads Nørgaard – Copenhagen
- Peter Holme Jensen – director, Aquaporin
- Ursula Reuter Christiansen – artist
- Esben Weile Kjær – artist
- Brian Mikkelsen – CEO, Dansk Erhverv (Danish Chamber of Commerce)
Panel 2:
- Søren Kaare Andersen – CEO, Bikubenfonden
- Gitta Malling – chairman of the board, Danish Arts Foundation
- Dorthe Paulli – business and sponsorship manager, The Royal Danish Theatre
- Janne Villadsen – program and development director, Heartland Festival
- Rasmus Nordqvist – European Greens and former member of the Danish Parliament
Moderator: Lene Johansen – journalist and author
Charlottenborgs Kaffeklub #9 – Ask the Minister of Culture
On the occasion of Jakob Engel-Schmidt's (M) one-year anniversary as Denmark's Minister of Culture, we invited him to talk about his key issues and experiences from his first year as Minister of Arts and Culture at Charlottenborg's Coffee Club.
A small selection from the Danish art scene was also invited to share their knowledge and experiences. Together with the audience, they asked the minister relevant questions about what the future looks like through the eyes of the Minister of Arts and Culture.
The first panel focused on the working conditions of artists when discussing "art as a profession" with the minister. The second panel of the day, under the heading "more voices", spoke with the minister about how to create a framework for a more open, inclusive and diverse art environment.
Panel 1:
- Rosa Marie Frang - visual artist
- Fallulah - singer and musician
- Cecilie Ullerup Schmidt - performance theorist
Panel 2:
- Sargun Oshana - theater director
- Augusta Atla - visual artist and debater
- Jules Fischer - visual artist
Moderator: Lene Johansen - journalist and author
Charlottenborgs Kaffeklub #10 – Kunst, talent og klasse
Det var temaet for Charlottenborgs Kaffeklub #10, hvor kunstmiljøet og den politiske verden mødes til en samtale om fremtidens kunstneriske dannelse i vores land.
Sammen med Kunsthal Charlottenborg satte vi spot på, hvordan vi udvikler vores kunstneriske potentiale i Danmark. Og hvordan vi kan åbne dørene til de kunstneriske uddannelser for de unge, der ikke kender dem i forvejen.
Panel 1 – Hvordan optager vi til de kunstneriske uddannelser?
Lars Bent Petersen – Rektor, Det Kongelige Danske Kunstakademis Billedkunstskoler
Mogens Jensen – Politiker, Kulturordfører og Næstformand (A)
Noah Umur Kanber – Billedkunstner og studerende, Det Kongelige Danske Kunstakademis Billedkunstskoler
Pauseværk: Performance ved billedkunstner Kim Mejdahl
Panel 2 – Hvordan skaber vi mangfoldighed i rekrutteringen til de kunstneriske uddannelser?
Tine Fischer – Rektor, Den Danske Filmskole
H.C. Østerby – Borgmester, Holstebro Kommune, medlem af KL’s Kultur-, Erhverv- og Planudvalg
Ordstyrer Lene Johansen – Forfatter og journalist
Redaktør Karina Lykkesborg
Charlottenborgs Kaffeklub #11 – Kunst og kunstig intelligens
Kunst og kunstig intelligens er omdrejningspunktet i den 11. udgave af Charlottenborgs Kaffeklub, der invitererede til debat med eksperter, politikere og kunstmiljøet. Charlottenborgs Kaffeklub undersøgte både mulighederne i at bruge kunstig intelligens som redskab i kunstnerisk udvikling og de mulige konsekvenser af de nye teknologier for kunsten og for samfundet.
Interview - De etiske og politiske implikationer ved AI
- Sofie Hvitved- Seniorrådgiver og Head of Media, Instituttet for Fremtidsforskning
Panel 1 - Hvilke muligheder giver kunstig intelligens for kunsten og samfundet?
- Anders Søgaard- Forfatter og Professor på Datalogisk Institut og Institut for Kommunikation, Københavns Universitet.
- Majken Overgaard- Kurator & Forfatter, specialist i kunst og teknologi.
- Nanna Debois Buhl- Billedkunstner, Ph.d. fra Det Kongelige Danske Kunstakademi og Københavns Universitet.
Pauseværk: Værkvisning af Nanna Debois Buhl: Skyer driver, 2022
Panel 2 - Hvad er konsekvenserne ved kunstig intelligens for kunsten og for samfundet?
- Cecilie Waagner Falkenstrøm - Kunstner, stifter af virksomheden Artificial Mind, ph.d.-forsker, Royal College of Art i London.
- Merete Pryds Helle - Forfatter
- Lisbeth Bech-Nielsen - Medlem af Folketinget og forperson for udvalget af Digitalisering og IT, SF.
Ordstyrer Lene Johansen – Forfatter og journalist
Redaktør Karina Lykkesborg
Salons are free to attend, but a ticket is required as space is limited. Tickets are available from Billetto. Meetings are live-streamed; recordings of previous meetings can be found on Kunsthal Charlottenborg’s youTube channel here.