Homeless young people
In recent years, the numbers of the homeless young have increased considerably. We are committed to put an end to this development. As a part of The Alliance, A Home for All, we work towards creating homes for young homeless people. We do so through the development of new housing solutions and the establishment of subsidy schemes as well as by putting homelessness on the agenda. If your organisation is in a position to contribute with knowledge, concepts, manpower or financial support, we shall be very pleased to hear from you.
Homelessness among young people is a complex issue that requires the participation of several parties all working towards solutions. Together with The Alliance, A Home for All, we are focused on finding a solution for homelessness among young people through the development of new initiatives across civil society, the authorities, the business sector and investors. We will not solve this problem tomorrow or next year for that matter. In 2016, however, we and The Alliance, A Home for All, agreed on a ten-year timeframe for breaking the ascending curve and for the development of innovative solutions that will hopefully result in permanent change. If your organisation is interested in putting in effort to stop this upward trend, we shall be very pleased to hear from you, regardless of whether you can contribute with knowledge, concepts, manpower, financing, or just wish to enter into a dialogue about how, together, we can put an end to homelessness among young people.
Young people's transition from out-of-home care to a home of their own
According to VIVE (the Danish Center for Social Science Research) approximately 40 % of young people who become homeless, were placed in out-of-home care as a child. This is an issue that we are currently investigating in order to clarify how to approach the difficult transition from placement to self-reliance in one's own home.
På Hjem til Alle alliancens hjemmeside kan du læse mere om alliancens arbejde med at stoppe hjemløshed blandt unge. Læs med her.
Hjem til alle har udviklet en konkret guide til, hvordan kommunerne implementerer Housing First tilgangen i deres arbejde med hjemløse, den finder du her.
The Bikuben Foundation's contribution to the efforts of the alliance
At Your Place
Through the scheme Hjem til Dig (in Danish At Your Place), well-functioning families lend a helping hand to young people on the edge of homelessness. The families will open their own homes for a period of three to six months, letting their young guests participate in their everyday lives. Not only will the guests be staying with the families, they will also become a part of the family and experience a feeling of coherence, social ground rules, structure, peace of mind, caring, and the sense of belonging in a well-functioning home. In 2017, the Bikuben Foundation granted DKK 2.6m for the establishment of the scheme At Your Place, which is a Danish adaptation of Depaul UK's thoroughly tested concept in Britain, Nightstop. The Danish adaptation is being developed in a collaboration between The alliance, A Home for All, the Danish Red Cross, the Danish Red Cross Youth, and the municipalities of Aarhus, Copenhagen and Roskilde. The first match between a family and a young person will be made in the course of 2018.
Kollegiemodellen – Using residential halls for the young homeless
The Kollegiemodellen is based on the fundamental idea that the road leading away from homelessness is about more than simply having a place to live. It is as much about friendships, sharing communities and networks with other young people – and it is about getting an education. Since September 2016, we have earmarked ten rooms in the Bikuben residence hall in Copenhagen and eight in our residence hall in Odense, for homeless young people between the age of 17 and 30 years who are either students already or planning to be so within a year. We have moreover established a close collaborative relationship with the involved municipalities. The residence-hall scheme has taken into account the fact that many of the young homeless are struggling with mental or social problems which will require particular efforts. This is why the municipality facilitates comprehensive support before, during and after move-in. The municipalities will refer such young people as, in their assessment, will be good matches for the residence hall. The residence hall will contribute actively by making an effort to establish good communities encompassing all the young residents of the respective residence halls. We shall be more than pleased to provide information about how your residence hall can become a part of the modern residence-hall scheme, which is focused on precisely such community spirits as an increasing number of young people are seeking.
Bedre løsninger for unge i hjemløshed
Hjem til Alle er sammen med København Kommune, Aarhus Kommune, Roskilde Kommune, Faaborg-Midtfyn Kommune, Aalborg Kommune, Realdania, Socialstyrelsen, VELUX FONDEN og Bikubenfonden ved at udforske nye og bæredygtige måder at tilvejebringe flere betalelige boliger og sikre intensiv, fleksibel og individuelt tilrettelagt social støtte og adgang til fællesskaber for unge, der ikke har et hjem. Bikubenfonden har støttet indsatsen med 3 mio. kr.

dialogue with us
We will be pleased to hear from you, if your organisation is in a position to contribute new knowledge, concepts, manpower, financing – or simply wishes to establish a dialogue about how, together, we can put an end to homelessness among the young. Send us a brief mail, and we will let you know whether a meeting or an application will be relevant.